This post zooms in on groups of people who can really use vertical monitors to make their lives easier.

Writers, Editors, Researchers, Lawyers

Anyone whose work involves reading and writing blocks and blocks of text would benefit from using a vertical monitor since it would require far less eye movement going through the same amount of content as you would on a horizontal display. This means you’ll experience less eye strain because your eyes do not move as strenuously as they did when you read or write from side to side. I’m sure you’re not convinced now, but once you try it, the small change in orientation could boost productivity significantly. Imagine writing 10,000 words a day and researching as much content on search engines. The time you scroll down to read more would be reduced (or even removed) from your normal computing activity.

Programmers, Coders, Game developers

Whether you’re the person doing all the coding, or your part of the QA (quality assurance) team reviewing all the code, the job of these professionals also involves plenty of text. Like writers, programmers are prone to eye strain due to the nature of their jobs. Setting up a vertical display not only reduces eye strain but also allows you to display more lines of code than you could on a horizontal orientation. Your neck also moves more naturally, reducing the possibility of stiff neck and back pains.

Live Streamers and Gamers use Vertical Monitors

If you look at Twitch, Facebook Gaming, or YouTube gamers, many of them have a vertical monitor on the side of their main display. What these gamers do is use a traditional horizontal to play and live-stream their chosen games, then the other vertical monitor to read live-stream comments and answer chat messages of fellow gamers (or viewers). Doing so means gamers no longer have to pause and minimize their game nor divide the display’s space for gaming and communications. It’s an awesome multi-tasking device, especially if you have the space to accommodate it and the budget to buy a second monitor.

People with a small Workspace

To save space, a vertical monitor helps users save on desk space without sacrificing screen size. Any monitor that you set to portrait orientation takes up only half the horizontal real estate of a standard monitor.And because it is vertically positioned, it is easier to look at the screen and maintain distance from the device, essentially helping you improve your posture. This is a win-win if you suffer from back pain during prolonged computer use. Some people even switch to two vertical displays once they get used to the orientation. This combination still saves more space than using one horizontal and one portrait monitor.

Anyone who wants a dual-monitor setup

If you’re not a gamer, liver-streamer, writer, editor, researcher, programmer and other professionals that fall under those groups but have always felt limited by the space offered by your monitor, consider having a dual monitor setup with a vertical display as your second (or third) monitor. Any monitor you add to your setup is always a good thing since every additional monitor gives you more real estate to work on. For some people, the extra monitor serves as a display for tutorials as they work on something new on the main monitor, or for game instructions as they try to play a new game on the horizontal display. With a vertical monitor + horizontal monitor combo setup, your workflow would greatly improve since information will now be visible without the need for extra steps (like switching tabs, minimizing programs, and so on).

To Buy or Not to Buy

With many people stuck at home and getting used to remote work, having a proper “office” setup with a computer that would make your shift comfortable has become increasingly important. A vertical monitor can solve many issues that a single monitor cannot. A vertical monitor isn’t an obvious upgrade choice like a broken headset or glitchy mouse, since the life of monitors is quite long. But if your eyes have been straining, posture suffering, neck or back suffering daily aches and pains, a vertical monitor may be the upgrade your workstation needs. If you’re not yet sold on the idea of a vertical monitor, there’s a middle-ground you can choose – find a monitor that can be moved and adjusted to have a horizontal orientation if needed, and switched to vertical orientation if you feel like it. These displays may be a bit more expensive than horizontal-only or vertical-only monitors, but they’re great at being flexible for multipurpose use.

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