The growing demand for audio-based features forced social media platforms like Twitter and Telegram to introduce voice features, thus giving stiff competition to Clubhouse. The app has indeed become a popular method for users to get together and discuss various issues, industry experiences, and even pop culture events. However, since it is invite-only, you cannot jump into any conversation. It is a bit more closed-off for new people who want to take part in a discussion as well. You Might Also Like: Discord Stage Channel: The Latest Rival to Clubhouse

How is Telegram different from Clubhouse?

Telegram has recently received an update with an option for audio communications. Telegram had first introduced its voice chat support back in December and recently it brought changes to it and formed its version 2.0. It is similar to Clubhouse and Spaces in many aspects but Telegram brings voice chats with a whole new improvement than what it previously used to be.

Admin Rights

Unlike in Clubhouse, in Telegram, admins of channels and public groups can now form rooms to hold audio chats for millions of live listeners at the same time. Listeners can join through separate links and speakers can also use those links to promote their speaking session within their community. Admins can save live recordings for people who missed out on the session. This is a useful feature for anyone looking to invite new listeners to potential recordings or podcasts in the future. Telegram also gives the admin the right to mute listeners during an ongoing conversation. Listeners can raise their hands in case of a question, and then the admin can decide to unmute them for them to join the conversation. You Might Also Like To Read: Telegram Becomes the Most Downloaded App

Descriptive Bio

In Telegram, the bio texts of people are visible to everyone present in the conversation. This gives you a chance to display your expertise, credentials, interests, and strengths.

Custom functions

In the Android Telegram version,users can left swipe gesture in the chat list for archiving chats, pinning, muting, deleting, or marking them as read. On iOS, all these swipe actions are always available, depending on which way you swipe

Personal Account Log in

The new audio conversation feature in Telegram allows the users’ to participate in an ongoing conversation either from a personal account or even from an official account. This feature is beneficial especially for celebrities and well-known people looking to participate in conversations without being recognised. Which one do you prefer – Telegram or Clubhouse? Why do you prefer one over the other? Write your views in the comment section. 

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